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How to Stop a Puppy Chewing

Exploratory chewing occurs in dogs normally between the ages of 7-12 months of age and can last up to several months. This normally starts after the sharp puppy teeth have fallen out and the dog is feeling a lot of discomfort with its new teeth and has really strong urge to bite and chew. We will look at the reasons behind your puppy chewing and how you can help them.

Why Dogs Chew?

Dogs normally chew as they are exploring their new surroundings, Other reasons for chewing are listed below:

Attention Seeking - If they find they will get attention for chewing things such as the door, Couch then they will keep doing it.

Puppy Teething - This happens around 3-7 months when puppies will have a really strong urge to bite and chew things. This will help them get rid of some puppy teeth making way for the adult ones. It also helps to relieve the discomfort in their gums during this tough time.

Diet - An unbalances diet could result in them trying to get nutrients from other sources. For example a lack of calcium could make make chew stones, Rocks, Plaster etc. If this happens then consult your VET and also check the recommended amount of food.

Boredom - This is one of the main causes of puppies and grown dogs chewing. With them being left alone for long periods of time they get bored and need to keep themselves busy and active. High energy breeds need to be exercised and trained regularly.

Lonely - Some dogs have anxiety or fear being left alone and will chew things.

How to Stop Dog Chewing

  • Exercise is the most important in our steps to stop dogs from chewing. Walk your dog twice or at least once a day in a different environment. Try and use different routes and different placed to stimulate them mentally, We also recommend checking out our brain games to really stimulate them.

  • Use dog toys such as Kong, Toys with treats and other chews so they have an alternative to chew.

  • Keep valuable items out of the way and make sure they know what is acceptable and what is not to chew.

  • Have short and frequent play sessions with your dog to keep them stimulated.

How to Use Toys, Chews Etc


These should be used after your dog has been exercised and has settled now, Chews are used for nibbling away at when you are with them or when they are alone.


We recommend using a toy when you are present so you can put it away after use. You can use anything from ropes, Balls, Squeaky toys and teddies that can be thrown and fetched by your dog.


These are amazing at keeping your puppy and dog busy for long periods of time and an be used in or out of your presence. Kong's are very tough wearing and can be filled with a variety of treats. You can use these in or outside of your home. If you have a very active dog that is chewing the outdoor fence you can place a Kong up the side of the fence just slightly out of reach, This will make them work harder to get to the chew and will also tired them out at the same time.

Teaching Your Dog the Right Way

Your puppy lives in the moment so you will need to train them that way. You can teach them which things are acceptable for chewing and which aren't. When they chew their toy give them a lot of praise and attention. When they chew something they shouldn't be sternly say No, and move give them the toy or chew they should be chewing.

Problems You May Encounter

You will find your self getting angry at your puppy for constant chewing and will get upset with your little friend. This is normal as you will find it frustrating but you need to remember they are doing this for a a valid reason and need commitment on our part. You need to be consistent with the tips given above and it will get better with time.

If you find that your dog is not responding to toys and chews then this is because they are readily available and your dog is bored. Your puppy has also probably found that he/she gets half as much as the attention when they chew the table leg so guess what they will do? Again if this happens then you need to resort back to the correct way of showing them between right and wrong.

Final Thoughts

Over time things will improve as your puppy grows and the chewing phase of your puppies life will be a painful memory. As dog owners we tend to get carried away and give our dogs too much freedom which is detrimental for them and us. They need to have a balanced diet and a leader to follow who will clearly show them what is acceptable in and around the house. The number one point that we have to stress is that exercise with discipline is the key to a your dog living a fulfilled and happy life. For tips on how to keep train your dogs brain and challenge them click here.

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