Are you tired of you dog frantically jumping at you and guest's when you walk through the door ? Or does it come and jump on you wanting attention when you are sitting down ? Whatever is the reason for jumping as dog owners we are responsible for how our pets are around us and other people.
In this article we will look at ways to stop your dog from jumping at people and also the reasons behind the behaviour to give you a deeper understanding of how their brain works.
Why Dogs Jump ?
A dog jumping up at you when you walk in is them trying to say hello, When they meet each other they will normally come face to face but as you are a lot taller they have to jump up to reach. Sometimes it can be down to lack of exercise and mental stimulation, For ideas on how to stimulate your dogs brain check out these fun brain training games. Although the behaviour is natural you don't have to put up with this and it can be trained out following some simple steps.
Follow these steps to a jump free dog.
Giving Attention at The Right Time
When you walk in and your dog jumps up at you either walk straight back out or ignore it. Keep doing this until your dog is calm and is no longer jumping, When he does this then give it attention rewarding the behavior. Here is a video to give you an idea.
Delayed Greeting
Next time you have guests come over have you dog on a leash. Have your guests enter your home and don't let them engage with your dog until he/she is calm and has all paws on the floor. If they start to jump then just turn them away and only let them engage again once they have calmed down. This technique is also great for when its time to go for a walk and foot time, Just remain calm and don't engage with them until they show the desired behavior.
Distract Them
This works for some dogs where just giving them their favourite toy will distract them. When you have guest come round have a toy next to the door, As soon as they knock give your dog the toy to keep them occupied.
Remember to stay calm as you are teaching your dog with minimal distractions. Your dog will not pick up these methods straight away so remember, Repetition and consistency is key.
For further tips on how to train your dogs brain click here.