Is your dog really happy and healthy ? Check out these tips to make sure you are on top of their health.
Is my dog happy? That is the question all owners ask themselves. A dogs happiness is directly linked to its health so follow these 10 easy step to keep them in good shape.
1. Keeping Up With Vaccinations
Make sure you are up to date with vaccinations, Your puppy will normally be vaccinated between 8-12 weeks but your fully grown down should be getting boosters on a regular basis. Getting a yearly booster can keep diseases like hepatitis, Distemper and canine parvovirus.
2. Dogs Weight
Depending on the breed your dog will need feeding at different times in the day. They should have balanced meals and access to fresh water. If you are unsure you should consult your vet on how much you should feed them and make sure to check their weight regularly
3. Exercise Regularly
To make sure your dog is healthy make sure you walk them everyday at least and twice if possible. You should vary the walks and make them interesting by taking different routes and changing it up a little with a few games and challenging exercises, Check out some brain game ideas here.
4. Neutering your dog
This is an option to consider if you are not planning to breed your dog and can help with their temperament. Males can be castrated at around 8 months and a bitch can be spayed before their first season.
5. Stay On Top Of Grooming
Depending on your breed you will need to make sure your dog is well groomed and looked after. Stick to using mild dog shampoos and make sure you brush your dogs hair regularly.Check for any thorns or foreign objects in their paws, Ears and eyes.
6. Toothbrush
Try and brush your dogs teeth at least twice a week. You need to make sure any tartar or plaque is removed to prevent receding gums.
7. Fleas Treatment
Fleas can send dogs and humans crazy so keep on top of them by using flea treatment once a month. Drops are the best treatment but there are other options out there, Also remember to have your dog wormed around 3-4 times in a year.
8. Keeping The Sleeping Area Clean
Wash bedding and covers on a weekly basis to keep out any bad smells and fleas. You should also shake off any dust and bits every few days to make sure everything is nice and fresh for your dog.
9. Ticks
Check for ticks regularly especially after a walk in the woods or where there is long grass. Check your dogs face, ears and eyes. Check this video out on how to remove ticks without any tools.
10. Learn Your Dogs Routine
Similar to adults dogs like to follow routines, It is very important to know what their routine is as if they do something that is not normal then this will be a sign that something is wrong. Follow these steps to make sure your dog is health and if you are unsure of anything please consult a vet.