Is clicker training effective ? Find out how clicker training works and how you could use it
In recent years clicker training has become really popular but it is very important you do it correctly. To start you will need to purchase a clicker that can be found here.
How Does Click Training Work ?
Clicker training is when you use a clicker and a treat as a reward for your dog when it shows the required behaviour. For example you would tell your dog to sit, When they do you press the clicker and then reward them with a treat. Over time your dog will start to associate the actual click as the treat because of how their brain works (Association), The click will become the reward in itself eventually leading to clicker training without treats.
Why Use Clicker Training?
Dog trainers and general pet owners prefer clicker training as it is a lot quicker, The dog learns faster and you can reward them instantly without having to fumble around for treats etc. This will make it easier when you are walking your dog or ant to teach them tricks as you won't need to rely on a bag of treats.
Clicker Training in action - The Airplane Game
In this game the trainer rewards the dog (Einstein) every type he makes eye contact.
Tips On Clicker Training
When you begin don't point the clicker directly at your dog, Have it to the side or behind your back.
In the initial stages you need to be quick with the click and the treat, Make sure the reward is immediately follows the click so your dog associates the two.
Don't use the clicker to get the dogs attention as they will get confused, Only use it when you ask them to do a required task etc.
Click at the exact moment your dog performs the required behaviour.
Only use the clicker once for each correct behaviour, If they sit don't do it twice out of excitement.
Training sessions need to be short and engaging, Maximum 10-15 mins.
How To Start Clicker Training ?
Most dog professionals recommend starting with a local professional, This can be difficult when it comes to making arrangements around your busy schedule and can be costly. There is a great online course that we recommend that uses clicker training methods to develop your dogs intelligence, You can find more information here.
Once you have purchased a clicker follow the simple steps below to get you started.
Step 1 - Teaching your puppy the click
Your dog needs to understand that the click means a reward. In a quite place use the clicker and reward them as soon as they look at you. Remember to only click once and then follow it with he reward immediately. This will get their attention as they will know what the click now means. Repeat this for 2-3 mins a day for a few days until your puppy gets the hang of it. Avoid using the clicker to discourage an undesired behaviour. With treats you need to take the amount away from their daily food allowance so they don't put on weight during training.
Step 2 - Teach Tricks
Your puppy will now have a good understanding of the clicker and you can start teaching it basic obedience like sitting etc. Remember to use the clicker as soon as they exhibit the required behaviour and treat them instantly. Remember not to force them to do the required behaviour and always encourage them positively.
Step 3 - Consistency Is Key
Once your dog has picked up the basics you need to practice regularly so they become second nature. You can then slowly start to withdraw giving a treat and only use the clicker.
For more complicated clicker training methods you can check out some brain games here.