Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Canine influenza is a lot more common than you think and although it isn't fatal, It can cause discomfort for your puppy and you. As a dog owner you need to be prepared for dog flu and know it's symptoms in case there is an outbreak where you live.
What Is Dog Flu ?
Dog flu or canine influenza virus is influenza in canine animals. It is caused by a varieties of influenza virus A like equine influenza virus H3N8 which in only 2004 it was discovered that it caused disease in dogs. Due to dogs having a lack of exposure to the virus they have no natural immunity.
How Does It Spread ?
Just like human influenza canine influenza is airborne. It will spread through the local environment by dogs barking, Coughing, Sneezing and will be inhaled. It can also be caught from humans if they have been in contact with a dog that is affected and places like dog walking parks, Grooming parlours are breeding grounds.
Symptoms Of Dog Flu: Canine Influenza
Runny Nose
Nasal Discharge
Loss Of Appetite
From the initial exposure to the virus your dog will be effect for 2-4 days. Dogs with H3N8 virus remain contagious for up to 10 days after exposure and dogs that have H3N2 remain contagious for up to 26 days and vets recommend isolating your dog for at least 21 days.
Treatment Of Dog Flu
If you suspect your dog is infected then you need to contact your VET asap. There is no real treatment for dog influenza, Only treatments that will aid the recovery such as fluids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication for the fever. Your VET will advise on the best form of action to take and what quarantine procedures you may need to implement.
Prevention Of Dog Flu
The best way to avoid your dog from catching the virus is similar to the precautions we take for humans. Keep your dog away from dog parks and try to keep them in doors if you hear of an outbreak. If you come into contact with a dog you suspect maybe infected then remember to wash your hands and change your clothing before coming into contact with your dog. Contact your local VET if you are unsure as there are vaccinations for certain strains of the virus.