Find out the best obedience training method for an obedient dog that you can do without having to hire an expert.
Do you have any of the following problems?
Your Dog doesn't respond when called
You are struggling training a new puppy
Your Dog barks uncontrollably
Your Dog constantly pulls on the leash
Your Dog is chewing things he Should't be
Your Dog is constantly whining
Your dog gets overexcited
Your Dog is jumping
Your Dog is digging all the time
And the list goes on, A lot of these behaviours can be cured with simple training techniques. All you need to do is implement them and stay consistent to a well behaved dog.
There is a difference of opinion among dog owners about the best way to train dogs. On the one hand have got people that use the old dominating techniques to get a dog to submit to them and on the other hand we have the happy go lucky types who like to shower their dogs with affection and treats and forgetting the dogs basic needs.
Adrienne Farricelli's Brain Training programme for dogs kind of sits in the middle of these two methods by using attention, Treats and dominance the right way. It addresses the dog as what it is first, An animal which has some basic needs such as exercise and stimulation. Once you have exercised a dog and mentally stimulated it only then can you move onto obedience training. Once the dogs needs are met only then can it fulfil your needs as its owner such as cuddles and a lifetime companion.
Whether you are training a new puppy or a full grown dog the training method will work as it focus's on the dog's natural intelligence and helps you build on that. Some of the training methods used will be familiar with some of them being new, As this is a new programme it looks at your dog from a different perspective and will give you a really deep insight into how a dogs brain works and how obedience training for dogs should be approached.
The programme is split into 7 different modules, Preschool, Elementary School, High School, College, University, Graduation and Einstein with the final module including some obedience games and tricks you can tech your dog to show off.
Adrienne has experience from working with thousands of dogs and has had her work appear on USA Today and Every Dog magazine.
The Science Behind The System
The programme is based on the concept of neuroplasticty in the Brain. If you don't know what this is it has been researched by the top universities including Harvard and is based on the fact that our brains are like soft plastic that can be moulded and changed to learn new habits and behaviours. You can make your dog obedient by stimulating them mentally making their brain more open to learn new things and eradicate bad behaviours. This is the best obedience training course as you are not just working on the symptoms, You are actually getting to the route of the problem and changing how their brain works. Most dog obedience training courses do the opposite of this and just focus on the outcome or end result without identifying the reason for the problem, Therefore the problem never actually goes.
Here are a few testimonials of some happy customers: