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Writer's picturedogsworld

10 Tips To Help Your Dog Deal With Fireworks

Its that time of year again when the nights are colder and darker, People are getting ready for the party season and depending on where you live you will start to hear the sound of fireworks. This can be a scary time for your puppy if its their first time or even scarier if you have a grown dog that has a fear of loud noises. We will look at the simple ways of calming a scared dog but firstly we need to begin with you, The owner.

You need to remember to remain calm, Assertive and not to reflect your own fears on your dog, What do we mean by this ? This is when you overreact to your dogs response to fireworks or a loud noise. This can also be when you are anxious about something in the future, Your dog will pick up on this energy so you need to make sure you stay in the moment.

10 Tips On Dealing With Fireworks

  • Keep your dog indoors with windows and doors closed.

  • Keep internal doors open so they can move around freely without feeling trapped

  • Use background noise by keeping the TV on or having some music playing

  • Have a comfort place they can go to if they want to get away or relax such as their bed or a blanket

  • Ensure your pet is micro-chipped in case they run away they can be traced

  • Comfort your pet if they are acting scared but don't overdo this as they will associate fear and anxiety with a reward and time with you

  • Use treats so when your dog shows the required behaviour e.g not showing fear then treat them

  • Try and feed your dogs before the fireworks begin

  • In a controlled environment take your dog into the garden and sit with them whilst they react to the noises of the fireworks, Re-assure them if they get scared and remember to focus on being calm. If your dog is over-reacting then take them back inside, Only do this if you are completely comfortable and your dog is not showing extreme signs of fear.

  • If they are very scared and show no signs of improving then consult your vet

Remember to encourage your dog and stay consistent so they don't fear the sound of fireworks, Click here to check out a similar article that we did that will help you deal with your dogs fear by using a technique known as fear desensitisation. This gradually exposes your dog to the thing they fear so they become less sensitive to it helping them to feel less nervous.

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