3 Easy Things to Teach Your Puppy
Only a professional dog trainer could do whats in the video below right ?
You are actually wrong, With the right mindset and commitment you too could train your dog to be like this and you don't have to start when they are young. All that we ask is that you are committed and consistent.
Dog Psychology
Unlike humans dogs don't rationalise. They live in the moment and don't think about the past or the future, Only the present. This is key in understanding how to train your dog as if you try correcting a behaviour long after they have done it they will have no idea what you want them to do. For example imagine you come home to find your house is in a terrible mess because of your child, Friend whoever is at fault. You can vent your anger at them, Tell them you are not happy and this should never happen again. They will understand what you are not happy about and hopefully will not repeat the behaviour as they can recall what happened some time ago and link the two by rationalising.
This is completely different with your dog or puppy. If you come home and they have made a mess of things and you start to shout at them or discipline them they will have no idea what behaviour you dislike as they have forgotten, The best way to train your puppy is to catch them in the act or walk them through the act and reward and discipline accordingly so they understand exactly what you want them to do. Dogs associate things with experience, That is how they learn and remember as they will recall that experience. If you always treat them every time they respond to their name, Then guess what? They will keep responding.
Teaching Them to Sit
This is the most basic command but still a very important one. As your dog gets old they will do this at a drop of a hat if you train them correctly from a young age. When it comes to training your puppy to sit you need to use treats, Have them in your hand with your fingers closed and take them near your dogs nose. Once they get sniff start to move your hand back slowly towards the back of their head, They will naturally follow it. As they do this gently force their back legs down to sit and once seated give them the reward and repeating sit at the same time. Keep doing this until they do this without you pushing their back legs down and they will do this on command.
Teaching Them to Come
This is another important command as your dog should be able to respond to its name when called. You can do train your puppy to respond to its name by using a longish lead and treats. When they have their attention somewhere else call their name of say "Here Boy" or whichever phrase you choose and gently pull the lead encouraging them to come towards you. When they come reward them greatly and create a fuss so they associate their name or phrase with them coming to you. Keep repeating this until they get the idea and then build on this by calling them without a lead in outdoors in a fenced space.
Teaching Them to Lie Down
Similar to sit you need to use treat but this time when they are sitting you need to move you hand forwards and down so they follow it. If they won't got fully to the ground you can gently push them down with the other hand repeating the word "Down" or " Lie Down" and treating them when they are in the desired position. Again keep repeating this until they go down without needing any physical aid.
Once you have mastered the basic commands you can teach your puppy other things, Its not just about command, You can also teach your dog to do fun stuff like this.
Einstein the Rottweiler was taught using methods found in Brain Training for Dogs. This is an online course which is easy to understand that helps the average person like you train their puppy and develop its natural intelligence.
This will not only make your dog smarter, It will really strengthen your bond with them and help them live a fulfilled life.
This is an online course and you won't need to go out and find a local professional trainer that can be very expensive and use dated dominance techniques that do more damage then good.
Here's what some dog owners had to say about the programme:
Rosemary D. Dog Owner
“Since using Brain Training for Dogs my dogs are more excited to learn. They actively want to take part and figure out what they need to do! It’s not about “commanding” that they perform a behavior, it’s about getting them thinking.
I really love this approach to dog training and my dogs do too!”
Sonoma W. Dog Owner
“After going through this program I feel 100 times more confident and far better about training. I have a far better understanding of behaviors and my puppy definitely seems to pick up on that confidence.
This system is the best confidence booster and the best way to teach your dog.”
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