Research scientists may have developed a method for calculating your dogs IQ

How Smart Is Your Dog ?
Scientist believe they have discovered a way to test a dog's IQ. Research published in the journal intelligence suggests that you can measure a dogs IQ after they did an experiment with 68 Border Collies. The dogs were given commands to follow, Hand signals and had to navigate as part of the test. The results showed that a dog that excelled in one task also did well in other tasks.
Dr Rosalind Arden, a Research Associate at LSE, said: “Just as people vary in their problem solving abilities, so do dogs, even within one breed. This is significant because in humans there is a small but measurable tendency for people who are brighter to be healthier and live longer. So if, as our research suggests, dog intelligence is structured similarly to ours, studying a species that doesn’t smoke, drink, use recreational drugs and does not have large differences in education and income, may help us understand this link between intelligence and health better.
She also mentioned "In addition, dogs are one of the few animals that reproduce many of the key features of dementia, so understanding their cognitive abilities could be valuable in helping us to understand the causes this disorder in humans and possibly test treatments for it."
Dr Mark Adams, Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, said: “This is only a first step, but we are aiming to create a dog IQ test that is reliable, valid and can be administered quickly. Such a test could rapidly improve our understanding of the connection between dog intelligence, health, even lifespan, and be the foundation of ‘dognitive epidemiology’
"Dogs are excellent for this kind of work because they are willing to participate and seem to enjoy taking part.”

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Can I Make My Dog Smarter ?
The short answer is, Yes you can...You can make your dog smarter..You can get the most out of their intelligence by using the latest science methods. There is a training programme that works with the neuroplasticity of the brain by moulding it to learn new habits and tricks.
This has been extensively researched by Harvard and many other research institutions. Through hours of research, Implementation and practice dog lover and expert (CPDT-KA certified) dog trainer Adrienne Farricelli has developed a programme that will help get rid of bad behaviours but also develop their dogs natural intelligence.
By mentally stimulating your dog you can make it more receptive to learning new behaviours and tricks.
Find out the secret on how to develop your dogs intelligence by clicking here